Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Longest Eight Hours

Friday, November 25th 2011 is a day I can remember so vividly, I am haunted by it. It was the longest eight hours I had endured.  My friend and I had just gotten Sundaes when she received a call. “Dale was in an accident and is heading for Shock Trauma. Jeff might have been in the car” She said as she hung up the phone. Immediately I call my fiancĂ© to tell him his friends were on their way to shock trauma. The day I had always feared had arrived.

On the way to the hospital we call Jeff’s parents to inform them of what happened. As we arrive at the hospital we search for answers but do not find any because we are not family. We waited until their families had arrived. The doctors came to deliver the news. Jeff is gone and dale may not walk.  I watched as Jeff’s mom heard the news.  Not twenty minutes later we learn of another friend who was in the car did not make it. I watched as his mother collapsed in the hall. The hardest thing to witness is a mother learn her child is gone.

I sat in shock listening to my fiancĂ© say over and over that he was suppose to be in the car, and he might of changed the outcome. Guilt is the only feeling I had. I knew my friend had caused this, and he is still alive. Dale was the only one in the car who wore his seatbelt. Although he wasn't okay, he is still alive. It’s been two years, and the idea that troubles me the most is they might have lived if they wore their seatbelt.

Word Count: 285