Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Marc Steiner's Talk

Marc Steiner’s talk had some great points. I think he’s a great person to learn from because of his rich background in the Baltimore community. I liked how Marc Steiner emphasized that we need to expose what is going on. We need to expose what is right and what is wrong through the stories we tell. That is our goal; we want the history and stories of these forgotten places to be told. In the process we will change others minds about the area. Instead of seeing only negative, they will begin to see the history and appreciate it. My mind was changed when I began my research on Farring-Baybrook Park.  Growing up I have heard nothing but negative things about Brooklyn Park and Curtis Bay. Through my research I learned the park’s recreation center serves to disabled children and adults. It also provides a place for children to go rather than spending time out on the streets. This information was masked from the negative surroundings. It is definitely something that should be exposed and brought to light. I really liked when Marc said we are the ones who are going to define where Baltimore is going to go in the years to come. He also said we need to envision the questions we need to ask when we are in the Baybrook area so we know where we will go next. Those questions will tell the stories of what is going on in those areas. I thought those points were very important in regards to what we are trying to do. We want to share the history as well as the stories and tell what is happening now. Marc Steiner’s talk was very interesting and important for our class to hear, so we can keep his points in mind while we are out in the community. 

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